Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Course 7 Week 4 Roger's Topics

Sorry, Roger,

I should have had this up for you yesterday. You may extend all the deadline for bonus points by one day.


Corey G. said...

Hey Bro. Roger, what are you reading this week? think it will be interesting and usefull?

roger said...

Well this week I am reading chapter four in Phillip Yancey's book "The Bible Jesus Read". The title of chapter four is "Psalms: Spirituality in Every Key"

roger said...

The book of Psalms is a collection of poems,songs,and prayers. A very spiritual book which you could tell from it's title. The thought that stays in my mind about chapter four is the variety of spirituality by which the Psalms are written. Mr. Yancey describes them as cursing psalms, psalms of praise,and psalms of confession.

Tyler Owens said...

I always loved the Psalms. I like how they may start with questions of complaints and end with praising God for His goodness. Sometimes our prayers are like that. I really like Psalm 51 because it was a time when David needed to ask forgiveness for what he did wrong. What is your favorite Psalm?

roger said...

Hey Tyler, you know I don't get into the Psalms much, maybe following up on a reference maybe, but the Psalm I like the most is Psalm 1 I like the idea of being grounded and rooted like the tree planted by the river,that just thrills me and we can be just that so long as we hold on to Jesus. Thank you for that question have a blessed day.

Tyler Owens said...

My wife likes Psalm 91:11. It really comforts her. She was in a near-death car accident about nine years ago. Someone gave her a bible case with that on it. It is really very meaningful to her and got her through some tough times.

roger said...

Well I blew it this week posting, crazy week though,Mr. Yancey described the Psalms as a rollercoaster ride on emotions. Up and down as we read through the Psalms. Happy then sad, but that is life as we live it here in the flesh, Paul penned in 1 Cor. 15:19, If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. The 150 psalms in a sense is spiritual therapy while Psalm 1 we can bring our weaknesses to God, who alone has power to heal them, Psalm 51 as we all know is a psalm of repentance which God can heal that as well. The psalms deal with praises and adoration as well. So you can see how the psalms can minister to you daily. Praise God for those writers of the Psalms and the ministering Holy Spirit for every need or type of trouble we may encounter in this life. Praise the Lord!!!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Bro. Roger,

Do you and Bro. Mike remember that you are invited the preachers-deacon's meeting tomorrow night at Whiteash (7:00 p.m.)?

(That's Tuesday, April 28.)