Monday, April 6, 2009

Course 7 End of Week 1

Our first week ends at midnight tonight.
This has been an introduction week. You were able to get credit for any post that was three sentences long or longer. I always enjoy the introduction weeks, especially when you tell us a little more about yourselves.

Pay close attention as you view the weekly requirements again, going into week 2. This time shorter and purely social comments are welcome and even encouraged, but they will not count toward your weekly total of nine posts. You are expected to log in at least five days a week. As you can see, if you log in five days a week, and do two quality posts each day, you will easily make your minimum goal of nine posts.

Just a reminder, to get the third bonus point each week, you have to ask a question (relating to the topics we are studying) of a fellow student(s) by Friday morning. Really, more questions spice up the conversation.

We have done a good job on the first week, and I look forward to getting into things in even more depth this coming week. I will put up the new posting areas for each of you, but remember not to use them until after midnight tonight.

Some of you are choosing to read your books more quickly. That is O.K.; however, for the purposes of discussion, I will ask you to spread your chapter titles out over the duration of the course. So, for the week to come, please divide the number of chapters remaining in the book by 7, and give us the titles of that many chapters for this week.

Have a gread day!

Bro. Randy

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