Monday, April 20, 2009

The Bittersweet, But Good, Day!

If you have followed Bro. Roger's topics, you will notice that we have talked about a bitterseet experience. Yesterday, was my last day as pastor at Unity. It was bitter or sad because Rhonda and I really love the church and each of its member, but it was also sweet.

One of the reasons it was sweet was because of the response to the invitation on Sunday morning. One person came to pray about discovering his own personal ministry. A young lady came and rededicated her life, and young (some might say he is young middle-aged:)) married man also rededicated his life.

It was also sweet because Rhonda and I had already received our last check from the church almost a month ago, and we have several things that needed to be taken care of by the 24th of this month. Individuals gave enough gifts to cover that need. That was also additional confirmation about the step we are taking. Also, several people signed up to give on a monthly basis. Praise the Lord!

We look forward to being at Grange Hall this Sunday night. Bro. Kevin has requested that I preach on a particular topic relating to marriage.

I look forward to seeing some of you then!

Praise God for His goodness!

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