Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching Week 5

Place your comments for week 5 here:


Tyler Owens said...

The title of the DVD course is NT Survey: Acts and Paul. The instructor is Dr. Kevin Hester. I will be watching four more DVDs this week. The title of my book is PAUL: APOSTLE OF THE HEART SET FREE. The author is F.F. Bruce. The chapter I am reading this week are;

21.Christianity in Thessalonica

22.Paul and the Athenians

23.The Church of GOd at Corinth

24.Corinthian Correspondence

25.Baptism and the Lord's Supper in Pauline Thought

sremery said...

My Book is The Art & Craft of Biblical Preaching by Robinson & Larson. I'll be reading 19 chapters this week. They are:

Ch 122 Biblical Preaching is About Life Change, Not Sermon Form

Ch 123 7 Priciples for Reaching Lost People

Ch 124 Evagelistic Preaching in the Local Church

Ch 125 Felt-Needs Preaching

Ch 126 Preaching to Those Ripe for Conversion

Ch 127 How to Preach Boldly in a "Whatever" Culture

C 128 Preaching with a Leaders Heart

Ch 129 Critique of the New Homiletic

PART 7: Stories & Illustrations

Ch 130 3-D Storytelling

Ch 131 Preaching Pyrotechnics

Ch 132 Preaching as Storytelling

Ch 133 How to Tell a Moving Story

Ch 134 Bringing Bible Stories to Life

Ch 135 Suspense

Ch 136 How to Preach Like John Grisham Writes

137 Good Tension

138 Illustration From Pop Culture

139 Adapting with Integrity & Sensitivity

140 Overexposure

Tyler Owens said...

Sorry, I posted my initial comment on the wrong post. I am quite interested in chapter 131. The title just jumps out at me. Let me know what that is about.

Tyler Owens said...

Chapter 136 looks very interesting also. I really like John Grisham's novels. My favorite is The Rainmaker. I wonder what the author is talking about when it applies to preaching.

Tyler Owens said...

I like the title of chapter 122. It reminds me that the Word is whats important, not the preacher. Some of the best sermons that I have heard have been very un-orthodox styles. What do you guys think about it?

Tyler Owens said...

I like the title of chapter 122. It reminds me that the Word is whats important, not the preacher. Some of the best sermons that I have heard have been very un-orthodox styles. What do you guys think about it?

Tyler Owens said...

Sorry, I accidentally posted the same thing twice.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

So, Sean, what is 3-D Storytelling? That looks interesting. We used to have cartoons. That was 2-D. Then we had Veggie Tales and Toy Story--Those were 3-D. How does the term apply to preaching?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Ch. 127. We certainly live in a "whatever" culture. How do you balance meeting people where they are--recognizing they don't even have a clue about Christianity--and preaching boldly? What are some good techniques for doing that?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, you have a lot of ammunition for our discussion this week, just from our questions.

As quick as you can, jump over to Tyler's area and ask him at least three questions. (If you want them to count as quality posts, make a 2-sentence comment about the title, and then ask the question--or make one comment in that post and ask two questions--or ask three questions in the same post about one title.) make sure you make 3 different posts in his area asking him questions.

Both of you will read your chapters this week, but let's focus our discussion on the answers to the questions that were asked.

sremery said...

As I posted in Tylers section, on preaching to a "Whatever" culture, it talks about how Paul could use it relate to them to get their attention, and then bring the Gospel to them. It uses the example of Paul in Athens, when he brings up the shrine for the "unknown God". Its the same today, I have that in mind in speaking at camp next week. The kids needs the same things that we do ultimaley (a relationship w/ God) but what gets their attention is different than mine.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

To summarize: here are some things we would like to learn about:

1. What does it mean to preach like John Grishom writes?

2. Does the idea that biblical preaching is about life change--not sermon form relate to Tyler's comment "I like the title of chapter 122. It reminds me that the Word is whats important, not the preacher. Some of the best sermons that I have heard have been very un-orthodox styles"?

3. What is 3-D storytelling?

Tyler Owens said...

We had a good time at the youth rally at Camp Jericho last night. The kids really had some good skits. They were full of energy and excitement. It blesses my heart to see young people glorify God and not worry what anyone else thinks of them. I am so glad we have people willing to sacrifice time and effort to help out with the camp. May God bless you all.

sremery said...

On the comparison with John Grishom, the author says that he goes to great detail in desribing a scene. You can do the same thing with a story-telling sermon. It warns of doing too much describing, stick to only info that gets the person there. It uses the Good Samaratan story, how Jesus set up the story, but didn't give an overload of info.

sremery said...

In 3-D Storytelling, the Author says he uses the 3 D's in forming a sermon. THe 1st one is Details: Describing a scene to make the person see it in their mind
The 2nd is Dialogue: He gives an example of telling a story and having the characters talking. Meaning, that the listener is eavesdropping on a conversation. The 3rd D is Denouement, which was a word that I didn't know, but the author says its a college word for an ending to a story. Which the author says is very important. Bring closure to the story.

sremery said...

On CH 122, yes it does say that sermon form is not where the importance should be focused. It says you can bring up 30 verses but if they're not put into application, they can be misinterpreted. THe author says he says the sermon should use the Word to answer what the listener should know,feel and do. He says the word should be like soap that soaks into our fabric that will wash out the things that go against Gods Word. Basically to have it in us to allow it to convict us.