Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Art & Craft of Biblical Preaching Week 3 Comments

Please post your comments for week 3 here:


Dr. Randy Carney said...

sremery said...
I didnt get all I set out to accomplish last week, I guess the week started getting busy on me, then I couldnt muster the strength to finish. I'm leaving for Florida Thursday, I'm planning on still posting and should get quite a bit of reading done. Thats usually what I do most of time I'm there. So this week at work is very busy, as I'm trying to get things in order so my brother-in-law wont have to do too much with my trucks.
I'll post this weeks chapters later.

July 1, 2008 5:44 AM

(I copied this here since it was a July 1 comment.)

sremery said...

My book is called The Art & Craft of Biblical Preaching by Robinson & Larson. I'll be reading 19 chapters as follows:
Ch 83 Preaching That Promotes Self-Centeredness
Ch 84 The Danger of Practical Preaching
Ch 85 Grace: A License To Wander
Ch 86 The Rich Sound Of Grace & Holiness

PART 5 : Structure

Ch 87 Set Free From The Cookie Cutter
Ch 88 Say & Do
Ch 89 Connecting Biblical Content with Contemprary Audiences
Ch 90 Clearly
Ch 91 Skills of Oral Clarity
Ch 92 Questions That Put Muscles on Bones
Ch 93 Better Big Ideas
Ch 94 The Power Of Sequence
Ch 95 Outlines That For You, Not Against You
Ch 96 The Tension Between Clarity And Suspense
Ch 97 Lifeblood of Preaching
Ch 98 Alliteration Downfalls
Ch 99 Modulating Tensions
Ch 100 The Purpose-Driven Title
Ch 101 Why Should I listen To You

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Wow, Sean, some intriguing titles this week: Preaching that promotes self-centeredness, The danger of practical preaching, Grace: a license to wander. I'll be interested to see how these are developed. I have an idea on the first one, but I'll wait to see what the author has to say.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, You have three initial comments already. If you will do one more as a chapter summary, you will have the three initial comments we like for you to have. The others can be response comments. You can keep doing chapter summaries if like, or as an alternative, I encourage you to jump over to Tyler's posting area, look at his chapter titles and ask him some questions about some of the titles you find interesting. Look at my posted comment in your section about the danger of practical preaching for an idea of what I am talking about. (Since you will have to have three sentences for a quality post, maybe this will give you an idea of how to comment and then ask your question.) If you go this route, please post at least three questions over there.

sremery said...

Ch 84 The Danger of Practical Preaching speaks of being too practical. He eludes to the problem of some preachers preaching the end of a sermon only.Hitting just the bullet points. To me, there is an importance of reading the Word in a way of applying to the listeners life right now. I want to say "make the Word alive", but keeping in mind that the Spitit does that.

sremery said...

Ch 85 Grace: A License To Wander &
Ch 86 The Rich Sound Of Grace & Holiness are chapters dealing with preaching Grace. Chapter 86 speaks of the importance of balancing Grace and works. It touches a little on ones that preach grace, can make it sound as if you're "covered" not matter how bad you've slipped. I believe that if you've been in service of God very long you deal with this. I've learned that there's a penalty for sin no matter what, but I've also found that being able to go to God and confess, and truly repent (turn away), that He is true in helping us out of our problem. We still make the choice of sinning.

Tyler Owens said...

I have dealt a lot with the idea "once in grace, always in grace". I do not agree with the modern concept that somehow we are covered by grace to do whatever we like. Some folks take it too far. I think of Hebrews10:26 and that tells me that we still have to live as Christians in order to stay in grace. Let me know what you guys think.


Dr. Randy Carney said...

Well, I don't know what happened, but it seems like my example comment and question about the danger of practical preaching didn't show up. I thought I published it. Now, I don't remember for sure how I put it, but I think it may have been something like this: "I could see a danger in practical preaching when someone gets more concerned about talking about things that people are interested in than in what the Word has to say. (Sorry, I know that's not what I said.)

Basically what I was trying to illustrate was that I gave two ideas of what the author may have been talking about even though I hadn't read the chapter. Then I asked if I was on track or anywhere near to what the author had to say.

Any way, I hope you get the idea. I see you did go to the other areas and comment and ask some questions. That was the idea.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Concerning the grace question, I think the key is that we are saved by grace through faith. The key to knowing that we are "in" grace is that we continue to be believers. As such, we can fail, miss the mark, which is a definition of sin, but if that act makes us ashamed or disappointed and we resolve to do better, then I think we could still claim the covering of grace. On the other hand, if we just give lip service to God and do not become new creatures in Christ, then we have no basis for security.

While I would not use the term "eternal security" because of abuse, I would be comfortable with the term, "the security of the believer."

Instead of eternal security, I believe in "Christ security." If you are in christ you are secure. If you persevere in faith, you continue to be secure, and without turning away from christ in this life, that could be eternally secure.

The key is to trust in Christ not in some past memory.

Promises of salvation are only to believers. If a person said he was saved, and even acted like he was saved, and then later said that there was nothing to salvation or later indicated that he "does not believe," then I would not try to convince him (or her in all of these cases) that he was O.K. Instead, I would try to convince him that the only way of salvation is through Christ. A person who is not presently trusting in Christ has no basis for claiming the security of salvation, in my opinion, regardless of how he appeared to be in the past.

In any case, I would encourage any person who says that he is not trusting in Christ for salvation to repent and believe and trust Christ for salvation.

What are some other comments or questions both of you may have?

sremery said...

I'm tring to figure out how to send pics. We're relaxing, having a good time. I've been able to get some reading done. One chapter (Ch 90) is one on speaking clearly. It says you should ask yourself "What am I talking about"" and then ask "What am I saying about what I'm talking about". this is something I've found frustrating about getting my sermons right, I feel like I get sidetracked too much. this book is helping me by reminding me a lot. There are a lot of different authors for these chapters, but iI really like this Haddon Robinson. He seems to write in a way that makes it easier to grasp.

sremery said...

Ch 94 & 95 deal with outlining your sermon. In the 1st one the author calls his points "parallel points. Basically, keeping them on one subject. He also suggests a method of sequntial points, which lead from one to the next.
In Ch 95 the author talks of outlines and brings up a good point of making your points in full sentences. So you'll be sure of your point. He says phrases can leave you stray from your point.

Right now the only way I know to get a pic in is by my profile. I updated it if you want to look at it. This pic gives you an idea of how I'm getting my reading done.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hey, look, your picture showed up by your comment. I started to ask how we get to your profile, but I see when I click on your name, the program takes you to the profile. I actually had considered asking both of you to try to put in some pictures of yourselves during the introduction week, but then I wasn't sure that anyone besides the administrator of the blog could do it.

Glad to find out we can.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Haddon Robinson has a book on Biblical Preaching that you will be reading later. I'm glad to hear you enjoy his chapters in this book. He talks about forming "the Big Idea" when you get ready to preach.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

So, any more elaboration on the grace and works balance?

sremery said...

On the subject of faith & works, I cant find the word to explain it that satisfies me. I know that when you have joy and peace with the Lord, the works seem to come natural. The opportunities seem to feel right. I know they work together.

sremery said...

Ch 99 speaks of sermons with tension. He states that giving the solution too early, you lose the listener. But to hold the tension by discussing the problem and giving the solutions at the end, you will hold the listeners attention and cause them to think about it through out the message.

I hope your camp goes well Randy, I'm hoping to come up with some messages while I'm down here.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Yes, Sean,

Camp seems to be going well. No one has been hurt that I know of which is always one concern.

We did have two new people provide security for us through the night. That was a blessing.

As I said in my main post, we have had good response, and for the most part, good attention during the preaching. Praise the Lord!