Sunday, July 6, 2008

Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free Week 4

Place your comments for week 4 (beginning Tuesday) here:


Tyler Owens said...

The name of the DVD course is NT Survey:Acts and Paul. The instructor is Dr. Kevin Hester. I will be watching four DVDs this week. The name of my book is PAUL: APOSTLE OF THE HEART SET FREE. The author is F.F. Bruce. I will be reading five chapters this week.

16. Church Extension in Cypress and Asia Minor

17. The Gentile Problem

18. "What the Law could not do"

19. Flesh and Spirit

20. Antioch to Philippi

Tyler Owens said...

Chapter sisteen talked about the spread of the gospel in Paul's first missionary journey. They went from Antioch to Cypress. This is where Bar-jesus was blinded. They then went to Asia Minor where they established churches in Pisidian Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe. We can already see that the gospel was being spread rapidly.


Tyler Owens said...

Chapter seventeen talks about the problems that the Jewish Christians were worried about with so many Gentiles getting saved. They thought that the gentiles should be circumcised and follow the law of Moses. Paul was against this idea. He thought that we are saved by grace abd nothing else. The Jerusalem Council made the decision against mandatory circumcision. Paul also opposed Peter to his face because Peter would not eat with the Gentiles when the Jewish Christians were around.


Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched was about Paul's second missionary journey. He had a new companion in Silas, while Barnabas took John Mark with him to Cypress. Paul and Silas went to visit the churches in Galatia and met Timothy, a third generation Christian, in Lystra. Paul went to Troas where he had a visin of a man from Macedonia asking for help. The Gospel was now spread across the Aegean Sea. They went to Philippi where they met Lydia whom Paul stayed with while he was there. Like also starts using "we" in this section of Acts meaning that Luke must have been with them. This is where they cast out a demon from the girl with the spirit of divination. They then are run out of the city and go to Thessalonica. This is where the leaders go to Jason's house and accuse him. Paul must then go to Berea. This is where the DVD ended.


sremery said...

I've always found Peter to be so great as an example in reminding us how we are. (I'm speaking for myself). He's been with Jesus, before and after the ressurection. but yet he still misses the mark sometimes. He is still learning. I get lifted up when I remember that Jesus said he would build upon this rock. This is an awesome,merciful God.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

I'm sure Paul and the other disciples "had their moments" too, but we have most revealed about humanness (if that's a word) in Peter. Peter and Paul were both great and bold men of God. May the Lord give us a courage like theirs.

Tyler Owens said...

I like how Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him. This is interesting because Peter denied the Lord three times. This was the last thing that Peter did before Jesus was crucified. Jesus then asked Peter if he loved him three times. I believe Jesus did this on purpose to show Peter that Jesus would always be with him no matter what.


Tyler Owens said...

Chapter eighteen talks about Paul's belief on grace over law. Paul was totally about grace. He knew that the law could not save us. He even says that the purpose of the law is to show us that we can never fulfill it.


Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched was about the book of Phillipians. The main theme of this book is "rejoice". We shoul have joy in all things because of the hope we have in our future. Another theme is suffering of Christians, that we should expect it. Paul makes a statement in this book that I really love, "to live is Christ and to die is gain". I believe that he meant that as long as he was alive, he would preach the Gospel. When he died, he would be going to the place that he was meant to go.


sremery said...

What I think of in that verse is that God thru his Word has shown us that He is good, He is just, and he is merciful. Since i've become aware of Him, and He has become part of my life, life has been fuller. I see things different, I've seen life as a gift. When it ends, God has taken care of that as well. We gain because we still have Him, and in a way I dont believe we can even imagine.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Yes, God set up His plan of salvation in such a way that He could be both "just" in that he displays perfect justice, and the "justifier" in that He is able to proclaim us righteous in his site. Jesus paid the penalty of sin by His death, burial and Resurrection. He also lived the perfect life that we have not lived. God puts these things to our acccount. That is justification! That involves goodness, mercy and grace.

Tyler Owens said...

Chapter ninteen talked about flesh and spirit. Paul used the word "flesh" to describe our human weakness. It was a thought on how our flesh is a slave to the law that Paul really tried to push. If we live according to the flesh, we will not make it. He also talked about the Spitit. This meant following the leading of the Holy Spirit. God sent His Spirit to us in order to guide and direct us. Paul talks about the ongoing war between the flesh and the spirit. We must walk according to the Spirit for our lives to be full.


Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched was a wrap-up of the letter to the Phillipians and an intro to the 1 & 2 Thessalonians. One of the themes on Phillipians was Paul's apostlicity. He linked it by his message. It was given to him by the guidence of Jesus Christ. The disscussion turned to the letters to the Thessalonians. Most scholars agree that Paul wrote the first letter, but liberal scholars think that Paul did not write the second letter. They say the the eschatology is different in the letters. Paul's views agree throughout his epistles. He believes that Christ will come like a thief in the night, but some things will happen before the Lord comes back. Jesus also said this in the Gospels.


sremery said...

What do you think of when you think of a theif coming in the night? I've had it happen at my house once, and 3 times at work. I know it has caught me by suprise every time. Does it make you prepare, yes, but they still find a way in. So I'm assuming this is the feeling the Bible wants to get across. That it is always a suprise. But if its ever happened to you, there are other feelings that come with it.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

We had someone break into our car, and try to steal it one time. We found it down the street in front of a house a couple of houses down from ours. The seat had a slit in it. The officer investigating thought they just got mad because they couldn't get it to drive away for them.

Another time, a boy stole Ralanna's car, took it out in a field and set it on fire.

You are right, these experiences are always unsettling.

We always get prepared for a while. Then things (fears) wear off. I guess we are like that about the possibility of the return of Christ.

Tyler Owens said...

I think that we can prepare for the coming by gettng our hearts right with God. I don't know that anyone could be ready "physically", but we have to be ready spiritually. The return of Christ will surprise us all, but it will be "scary surprising" to those who are lost. I don't even want to imagine what that will be like for those who are left behind.


sremery said...

In this book, is there something you learned of Paul that you wasn't aware of?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Did you get some help for the "how" of being able to walk in the Spirit?

Tyler Owens said...

I think that to walk in the Spirit is to live it. We have to learn how to oney the Holy Spirit. I think that as we grow, we slowly learn to lean on Jesus. We sometimes cut the Spirit short in our lives and try to lean on ourselves. I know I do.