Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free Week 5

Place your comments for week 5 here:


Dr. Randy Carney said...

Here you go, Tyler, I got it moved over for you.

Tyler Owens said...
The title of the DVD course is NT Survey: Acts and Paul. The instructor is Dr. Kevin Hester. I will be watching four more DVDs this week. The title of my book is PAUL: APOSTLE OF THE HEART SET FREE. The author is F.F. Bruce. The chapter I am reading this week are;

21.Christianity in Thessalonica

22.Paul and the Athenians

23.The Church of GOd at Corinth

24.Corinthian Correspondence

25.Baptism and the Lord's Supper in Pauline Thought


Dr. Randy Carney said...

Baptism and the Lord's Supper are very important symbols. What kind of emphasis did the author think that Paul put on this? How necessary did he think water baptism was (or did they touch on that at all)?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

You have mention of the Church at three different locations: Thessalonica, Athens, and Corinth. They would bear some similarity to our society. Which of them do you think was most like our society today? Why? If it is hard to pick just one, why is it hard? If it is easy to pick just one, why was that easy? (This is an opinion question--just gives us what comes to mind:))

Tyler Owens said...

The Lord's supper was important to Paul. He talks about it in 1 Corinthians 11. He reminds us that we need to examine ourselves to be found worthy to partake of the Lord's supper.

Tyler Owens said...

I think that Thessalonica would be like "small town America". Some recieved the gospel and some did not. Later, leaders forced Paul out. Athens would be like the area known as "New England". There seem to be a lot of universities up there, like Harvard and Yale. Corinth would be like Las Vegas or San Francisco. There was a lot of sexual immorality going on there.

Tyler Owens said...

I felt the it was easy to pick places that was like those in the early church. I think that God made the Bible that way so we could relate in today's times. I think that all the churches canbe similar to places today.

sremery said...

In one of the chapters I just read it mentions these places in Paul's ministry. It says that though his visit to Athens was brief, the Bible mentioned some converts from there. Does your video identify them?

sremery said...

My book also brings up Paul and his missions in reguards of his knowledge of other cultures. How it helped him use it to bring the Gospel to them. Does your book bring up any of that?

Tyler Owens said...

It does indentify two people that Paul managed to convert in Athens. One was a man named Dionysius, he was a member of the Athenian supreme court. The other person is a woman named Damaris. It also mentions "others" in the text.

Tyler Owens said...

My book does talk about how Paul had to be knowledgeable on other cultures. The author seems to think that his knowledge came from growing up in a "cultural" center in Tarsus. Paul did quote Greek poets in his sermon on Mars' hill.

Tyler Owens said...

Sean, I am really looking forward to camp next week. I have been praying for you and Tracy. I hope God blesses you guys for all you do for the kingdom. I am also looking forward to hearing your messages.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

"Baptism and the Lord's Supper are very important symbols. What kind of emphasis did the author think that Paul put on this? How necessary did he think water baptism was (or did they touch on that at all)?" Did the author or Dr. Hester touch on these questions at all?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

You answered the "Lord's Supper" part. I was wonderting about the "baptism" part.

Tyler Owens said...

It does talk a little about Paul's view on baptism. Paul does believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit at the conversion. The book doesn't really talk about water baptism that much.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

(About water baptism), I see. Just curious.

Tyler Owens said...

This will be my last post for a few days. Camp starts this morning and I am realy excited about it. Sean and I have discussed a few things about the services that we have planned. I think that it will go very well. We also had a great service last night. Bro. Kenny Blumenstock came down and gave us a good message. I know that it as a big step for him. He talked about making a connection with Jesus. Well, I am getting ready to leave in a little while so I will talk to you guys later.


sremery said...

I know Tyler is at camp now, I appreciate the prayers. I havent posted much this week. Its been busy at work and it took a few days to get caught up and fall back into the groove. Plus it was Clint's B-day last week so we were visiting a lot. Also, I drew yesterday on doing the Sun Morn service when Kevin is gone on vacation. I'm excited and nervous the same. Its on my b-day so I thought that was neat. I answered the call to preach on Tracy's b-day and I'm hopefully getting to give my 1st Sun morn sermon on mine.