Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free Week 7

Please place your comments for week 7 in the comments section below this post.


Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is NT Survey: Acts and Paul. The instructor is Dr. Kevin Hester. I will be watching three DVDs this week. The title of my book is PAUL: APOSTLE OF THE HEART SET FREE. The author is F.F. Bruce. I will be reading five chapters this week.

31.Ceasarea and the Appeal to Caesar

32."And So We Came to Rome"

33.Paul and Roman Christianity

34.The Letter to Philemon

35.Principalities and Powers

Tyler Owens said...

Camp was rally good this week. We enjoyed being around the little ones. They were all very good. We had two get saved yesterday. I felt like shouting! It is amazing to see GOd working in the children's lives. He is so awesome!!

Tyler Owens said...

Chapter thirty-one talks about Paul's time he spent in prison at Caesarea. I wonder what he did for two years while he was there. It is interesting to me when Paul testifies before Agrippa, he almost persuades him to be a Christian. I wonder how many people are "almost persuaded" when it comes to salvation.

Tyler Owens said...

Chapter thirty-two talks about the trip to Rome. It seems to be a journey with a lot of danger in it. God took care of Paul throughout storms and snakebites on this journey. Sometimes the captain should have listened to Paul and they would have been safer. It reminds me of how God will always take care of us through life's rough trips.

Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched talked about the themes to the book of Romans. The key theme is the Gospel as Paul preached it. He talks about guilt and how have become guilty. Paul talks about justification through faith. He uses several different models in this. There is also a disscussion on the defeat of death using the first man Adam. Paul compares Christ's redemptive work to Adam's failure to obey God.

Tyler Owens said...

Chapter thirty-three talks about Roman Christianity. Paul did not atart the church at Rome. No one really knows who started it, but some think that the visitors from Rome in Acts chapter two took the gospel back with them. Paul really lays out the gospel that he preached in the book of Romans. He also talked about justification and the defeat of death. He also gives personal greetings to many people in this letter. He doesn't do that to churches that he started on any of is missionary journeys.

Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched ws about the book of Colossians. The church was taught by Epaphras. The primary theme is Chtist the Redeemer. Paul also talks about the supremecy of Christ and talks against false worship of angels as well as cultic Judaism. He also talks about the new life in Christ and Christian behavior.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

"Chapter thirty-one talks about Paul's time he spent in prison at Caesarea. I wonder what he did for two years while he was there. "

Did he write any of the letters (epistles) while he was there? Does your course tell you?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Great to hear the camp report!

sremery said...

Hey Tyler, missed you this morning. I love the story of Paul and the shipwreck. There are so many ways you can apply it to life. I was under the impression that Paul wrote some of his letters while imprisoned. And the 2 years at Rome it was house arrest. I thought I had read that he was allowed friends to visit a lot.

Tyler Owens said...

Some people think that Paul wrote Philemon and Colossians when he was imprisoned at Caesarea. This, however, is very unlikely. Onesimus would not have any reason to go to Caesarea. Most people think the letters were either from Rome of Ephesus.

Tyler Owens said...

I think of the storms that have been in my life when I read about the shipwreck in Acts. God has always been with me, even when I was running away from Him. There were people on board that were lost and God protected them for Paul's sake. I am glad He protected me for all the time that I was falling away.

sremery said...

Whats the Principalities & Powers chapter about? That is another of my favorite scriptures. We are more than conquerors. Good Stuff.

Tyler Owens said...

That chapter talks about the letter to the Colossians. They were having touble with false teaching. Some scholars think that it was an early form of gnosticism. Whatever it may be, it clearly was not the Gospel. We see this more and more these days. People are starting to worship science and knowledge, not the Savior. They just can't understand it without faith.

Tyler Owens said...

Randy- I will not be at the Friday evening service at Busby. My wife and I will attend the morning service on Saturday, though. Hope to see you there.

Dr. Randy Carney said...


It was good to see you Saturday morning. How is your brother doing?


Dr. Randy Carney said...

Interesting (and true) comment: "People are starting to worship science instead of the Savior."