Monday, December 1, 2008

Course 5 Week 1 Sean's Topics

Sean, please put your initial posts here and your responses to our questions. Tyler, please post some questions for Sean here.


sremery said...

The title of my course is Old Testament Survey: Poetry and Prophecy. The instructor is Dr. Garnett Reid. I'll watch 4 dvds per week. I noticed the 2nd one was skipping a lot, do you remember if it did that with you Tyler?

Tyler Owens said...

Yes, Sean. I do remember a couple of them skipping. I don't, however, remember which ones that it did it on. I will tell you that I think you will enjoy this instructor. He is very insightful, but he does not go over your head.

sremery said...

I havent been able to watch any DVD's in the last couple of days, we've moved up to where I work and we're still getting adjusted. I'm always amazed at how the year passes by. This time of the year especially seems like time goes fast.

sremery said...

Up to this point in the course, the instructor has been describing poetry. He gave some examples of english poetry and then Hebrew. Right now he's talking about the different types of hebrew poetry in the Bible. I like one part where he asks why does God use poetry. He could just come out and say his point, but sometimes uses this thing he created that we call poetry. This in itself shows a personality of God to me.

Tyler Owens said...

Hey Sean. Good to hear that you guys have gotten moved. At least you didn't have to move very far. It is easier to get things done when you have less moving to do. Did the instructor give any examples of Hebrew poetry?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hey, Guys, I am having computer problems. When I try to log in, I keep getting a whole bunch of redirected pages that won't open up. That may mean I won't be able to post on a regular page tomorrow.

sremery said...

The instructor gives examples of synonomous poetry, where it says the same basically in each line. Antithetic, which is more or less opposite. Another one is where it says the same but the 2nd line is backwards to the first one. I think its called chiatic or something similar.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, does your printed syllabus give a list of the lectures that will be covered on the DVD's?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, for assignment # 2, please remember to go to Tyler's posting area and ask him (a) question(s) about one or more of his initial posts.

Tyler Owens said...

One example of poetry in the New Testamnet is Hebrews chapter 11. This is also called the Faith chapter. It says the phrase "By faith" several times and gives examples of people who were faithful in the O.T. Do you guys have any more examples in the New Testament of Old Testament poetry?

sremery said...

Yes, the course does have a syllabus, I followed along with it the other night. My first thought of poetry in the NT would be 1 Cor:13 "The Love Chapter". I also would add Luke 2, its not really poetry but it does have a little bit of an OT feel. Maybe because it is told as a story.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

I'm sure some of the Old Testament quotes in the New Testament are from poetic passages in the O.T., but I can't think of a particular one right now.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

So, does the printed syllabus give a list of the lectures (with their titles or topics)?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, I feel for you in that moving business. My wife and I lived in five different states the first three years we were married. We used to always laugh when we saw a U-Haul trailer go by with the quote "Adventure in Moving." We would really emphasize that word, "Adventure."

sremery said...

The instructor brings up the point that repetion is definetly a way of remembering. Also, that in rhyming, we seem to be able to remember better. Also poetry provokes thought.

Tyler Owens said...

I agree with what Randy posted about poetry. I also get confused by it.(more times than not) I never have been a fan of what we consider to be poetry, but I do like the poetry books in the Bible. I guess that the reason that I don't like poetry is that it goes over my head too much.

Tyler Owens said...

Sometimes poets use a lot of imagery in their writings. I see this a lot in the Old Testament. Do you guys have any favorite scripture with some interestin imagery in them?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

"All we like sheep have gone astray" is an example of imagery I think of right off the top of my head.

"He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water" (Psalm 1) is another one.

Imagery is useful for creating interest, and it also aids in memory.

Tyler Owens said...

I like all the imagery in the book of Daniel. He describes his prophecies in detail. I really get alot out of those. It makes me remember it well.