Monday, December 1, 2008

Course 5 Week 1 Tyler's Topics

Tyler, please put your initial posts here and your responses to our questions. Sean, please post some questions for Tyler here.


Tyler Owens said...

The title of my book is THE BIBLE JESUS READ. The author is Philip Yancey. I will be reading one chapter a week through this course.

Tyler Owens said...

The first chapter is called" Is the Old Testament Worth the Effort?" The author talks about how most Christians don't even know the Old Testament. He says that he was one of those people for a long time.

Tyler Owens said...

The author also talks about how the Old Testament is a way to learn more about the personality of God. I really like that. I find more out of the Old Testament than I ever thought I would. I like to read about how God would interact with His people. He would do it in different ways, but would always doit for that person's benefit.

sremery said...

I agree with the author about the OT showing God's personality. Thats one of the things I picked up on when I read the Bible from front to back. Reflecting on it as a whole, it feels like you get a glimpse of God, and left in awe and amazement.

Tyler Owens said...

I really like how God uses people. He always uses someone who seems weak or unfit to do the job. That helps me a lot of times. Sometimes I feel unfit or even unworthy to be a minister. The Old Testament helps me in those troubling times.

Tyler Owens said...

Today is the first day of the 2nd gun season for deer. I went and it was really cold. The deer were not moving and it got me to thinking about our relationship with God. Sometimes the "cold" spots in our lives cause us to not want to move for God. I think that it is times like these that show how faithful we are.

sremery said...

Which parts of the OT would you consider your favorite? Meaning historical, wisdom, prophetic, or poetic? Right now, mine is historical. But, I guess all of it has been my favorite, depending on what I'm dealing with.

Tyler Owens said...

I really like the history books. They have great stories in them. I love all the O.T., but those books between 1 Samuel and Ezra are my favorite. I really like the parts when God would use people who no one else wanted. That gives me strength.

Tyler Owens said...

We had a good service both times we were at church today. I am glad that we have a good home church to go to. I have been in places that I couldn't grow in before. I am glad God still is calling people to do things fof Him.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Tyler and Sean,

Have either of you tried writing poetry? I guess Sean has, with his song about wanting to go to Heaven. I wrote a couple to Rhonda years aga. The probably were meaningful to us, but not great literary works. (:>)

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Do either of you use poetry in preaching very much? I use it sparingly because I don't use it well, but I have seen some use it very effectively. You may have heard the old saying, referring to sermons as, "three points and a poem." That showed how many peachers thought poems were effective ways of ending sermons.

Tyler Owens said...

I never have used poetry in a message. I probably would mess up so bad that nobody would remember the message. They would just remember that I messed up some poetry.