Monday, March 2, 2009

Course 6 Week 5 Roger's Posts

Roger, please place your initial comments and answers to questions here.


roger said...

Hello everyone, I'm studying the book "Life in the Son" by Robert Shank. It is a study of the doctrine of perseverance. I will be studying two chapters this week and they are "Chapter 13 titled "Sin Shall Not Have Dominion" and Chapter 14 titled " More Than Conquerors"

sremery said...

Good morning Roger, I like the title of chapter 14. I have discussed this with a very dear friend. It is a verse FULL of Hope. I'll ask what we asked, what does it mean to be MORE than a conqeror? Its an inspiring thought.

roger said...

Bro. Shank warns us about being "carnal". In chapter fourteen "More Than Conquerors" he illustrates this teaching using a reference to Galatians chapter five and the struggle of two natures of the believer,"For the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh, and these are contrary one to the other: so that you cannot do the things you would. The fact is that of the two natures, the only one that is our own is the "flesh". But Praise God we are more than conquerors through him that loves us.

Tyler Owens said...

I like to think of our two natures as two housepets.(seriously) The one we feed the most will be the one that is controlling us more. I sometimes wonder which one I am feeding more. How about you guys?

roger said...

Tyler you are so right, the one who gets the most attention will be the bigger of the two, I remember when I first got saved I thought all the struggling with issues of life was over when in fact I found the battle was only starting but through studying and reading the word,and fellowship I started seeing victories in the areas of my life that needed to be cleaned up,Praise God he is patient with us AMEN!!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Praise the Lord for those victories. When we get one victory, we need to get ready for the next challenge. The challenges will come, won't they?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Bro. Roger,

Part of the being more than conquerors has to do with sin not having dominion over us. How does Bro. Shank give us help in that area? How dow we keep sin from having dominion?

roger said...

Bro. Shank warns us about becoming complacent in our walk with Christ. If we are to avoid sin and it's dominion we are to stay focused on our journey toward eternal life. He warns of apostasy agian in our walk with God. We must remember that "we can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. He points out this fact,according to Bro. Shank, that it is impossible for sin to become the master of one who is under grace. Chist having died and risen from the grave has defeated the dominion of death therefore grace has defeated the dominion of sin.

roger said...

"We are more than conquerors" is a statement relating to active service and not a passive mindset therefore there is effort expected of us and should we fall short, that is when we experience the grace of our loving Lord Jesus so the lesson this week reminds me that I am called to service.