Monday, March 9, 2009

Course 6 Week 6 Tyler's Topics

Tyler, you can place your initial topics and answers to questions here.


Tyler Owens said...

The title pf my course is NT Survey. The instructor is Dr. Kevin Hester. I will be watching four DVDs this week. The title of my book is JESUS AND THE GOSPELS. The author is Craig L. Blomberg. I will be reading two chapters this week.

14. Jesus' Galilean Ministry-Later Stages

15. Jesus' Judean Ministry

Tyler Owens said...

The first DVD talks about the Gospel of John. This book is very different from the synoptic Gospels. John has the central theme of Jesus as God. This book talks more about Jesus deity than the others do. John also is the Gospel that I have always told new Christians to read first. It is the easiest to read and gives them a good foundatoin in God's truth.

sremery said...

I've seen where Billy Graham would tell someone who has never read the Bible to read John 1st, then read the the NT from start to finish. I think people say that because of the beginning of John has a feel like Genesis. I defintely think John is more "spiritual" than the other gospels.

Tyler Owens said...

One of my favorite parts of John is when Jesus is talking with Nicodemus. Nicodemus is like a lot of people today. They have questions, but sometimes have to have logical answers to them. They just can't understand the spiritual side of things.

Tyler Owens said...

I also like John's account of the cleansing of the Temple. He said the same things that the other Gospel writers said-except one detail. John wrote that Jesus made a whip of cords. I can't imagine that this would take only a few minutes. Jesus truly was aggravated.

sremery said...

One of my favorite things in John is where Jesus judges the adulterous woman. An awesome story, and its only found in John. Do you suppose it would be because John was the only one to see it?

roger said...

Tyler, I like the Gospel of John as well. My favorite scripture is John 17, one of the best prayers in the Bible. Does your study give any details other than what we read in the Bible?

Tyler Owens said...

Not Really.

Tyler Owens said...

The next DVD talks about a few "other" gospels. It talks about the gospel of Thomas. This was a gnostic gospel. The sayings in it are really strange. I think that the gnostics wrote it and tried to credit it to Thomas. It is just a collection of sayings. Most of it is "off the wall".

sremery said...

I've read some of the Gnostics, there are some parts that are off the wall, but some also contain the same things in some of the Gospels. Which is the case with Thomas. I think one of the studies in this course starts you off reading the gospel of Thomas. I found some of them to be interesting, its been a few years since I read them but I remember the gospel of Mary giving you the impression that Peter was jealous of her. But after reading the Bible, you can see why they wasn't

sremery said...

On the note of other writings, in my study this week, its covering Jude. It talks about where Michael the angel fought with Satan over Moses's body. Its believed that that is from a writing called "The Assumption of Moses". I havent read it but its supposed to be prophesy secretly told to Joshua before he died.

sremery said...

by Moses

Tyler Owens said...

The gospel of Thomas is just like what you are describing. Some sayings are in the Bible. Others are close to those in the Bible. Still some are crazy sounding.

Tyler Owens said...

One DVD is about the Gospel of John.

Main topic- Gospel of John
A. themes of the book
B. structure of the book
C. character of the book

Tyler Owens said...

I put the wrong title of chapter fifteen up at the top. The name of that chapter is- Additional Teachings of Jesus.

Dr. Randy Carney said...


Good job on the assignment.