Monday, March 9, 2009

Course 6 Week 6 Roger's Topics

Roger, you can place your intial posts and answers to questions here.


roger said...

My lesson this week on Robert Shank's book, "Life in the Son" a study of the doctrine of perseverance. Chapter 15 titled "The Race Set Before Us" and Chapter 16 "The Deceitfulness of Sin".

roger said...

In Robert Shank's book "Life in the Son" chapter 15 is titled "The Race Set Before Us" talks about the book of Hebrews once again. Mostly about the writing style of the author whoever that might be, the writer alternates between exalting Jesus and exhorting his readers. In other words he is saying how blessed we are in Jesus then warning against being led away by false teachings. Paul writes "run the race with patience" a good friend and fellow beleiver always reminds me that life is a marathon not a sprint. Run that you might obtain.

sremery said...

Hey Roger, I've wrote notes in hopes of sermon one day reguarding this. I'm relating it to bike riding, which I enjoy doing. I notice that our (or I should say mine) mindset changes through out my ride. How somewhere in the middle you really start focusing more on getting to the finish. Paul chose a good example in talking about this. Just about everyone can relate to a race in one way or another. Do you have a certain kind of race you can relate to?

roger said...

Major idea: Perseverance,running the race of life will require these major parts, faith, patience, diligence,and strength.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Roger, good job on the assignment.

sremery said...

Exposition on 2nd Peter & Jude
1. Spiritual Warfare and the importance of realizing it.
2. False teachers and warnigs of straying.
3. Encouragement to perservere, and to keep focused on the true God.

sremery said...

Sorry Roger, I posted my assignment on your page. Hope you had a good weekend.

roger said...

As we run our race we come across road blocks and detours. Chapter 16 talks about those things that detour or block us and it is usually the works of the enemy. The Deceitfulness of Sin is the title of chapter 16 and well said of sin, it is deceitful,if you were to read 2Cor.11:1-4 you can be deceived by all means, but read through to verse 15 you will find how this deceitfulness causes us to be blocked or detoured. I hope that makes sense. God Bless you all. And by the way I would like you to put my son on your prayer list, he is 18 years old and will graduate high school this year and he has joined the Marines please keep this young man in your prayers the most time he has spent away from home is the week of senior camp at Camp Jericho, his name is Adam.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Roger, we certainly will continue to remember Adam in prayer.

Sean, Good job on the assignment.