Saturday, April 18, 2009


Bro. Roger's chapter this week is about Deuteronomy, and it has to do with "a taste of bittersweet."

In your responses to each other this week, please try to work in a discussion of something being bittersweet. Alternatively, if that doesn't seem to work in around your regular conversation points, you can post a comment about this below this posting area.

What does "bittersweet" mean?
How come something be bitter and sweet at the same time?
Are there some types of candy that are bittersweet to you?
When have you had bittersweet experiences?
Have you had transition times in your life that are bittersweet?

Perhaps those questions will give you some ideas for discussion.


roger said...

Moses by all means had a tough job in leading the children of Israel to the Promised Land, and dealing with all the problems,set backs, and heartaches you would think surely there would be a reward. The fact is Moses had his reward in his heart,he had God, but I think in my opinion that Moses had a great desire to "persevere" to the Promised Land, so it was a bittersweet day for him to climb that mountain only to see the end of the journey and not be able to "finish his course". I don't want this to sound sappy or that I'm warming up to the teacher but I think "Unity" as well as me are experencing a bittersweet time in our congregation because Bro. Randy's last day as our pastor is tommorrow, we have been an establihed Freewill Baptist Church for about 9 years and Bro. Randy has pastored about 7 and a half of those. So it is bittersweet in this way, we are losing a pastor but we love him and want to see God to continue working in his life and blessing him and his family as well as blessing our church because obedience to almighty God is where our blessings come from. So yes I have experienced bittersweet but I know God is "sweet" and I'm trusting in him and I also know Bro. Randy is trusting him as well. God Bless you all!!!

sremery said...

I think in the story of Moses its bittersweet because Moses was seeing God promise fulfilled in reaching the promised land. The bitter was not getting to go in himself. But like Roger had posted earlier, one the men in the transfiguration was Moses. S it maybe it wasnt bittersweet after all.

sremery said...

A bitter sweet candy that comes to mind that I like is a hoarhound.

Tyler Owens said...

I think of the time that I got a new job. I was glad to be working again, but I also struggled to accept the money that I would be losing. I lost almost a quarter of the pay I was getting. I realize that God made the way for me to get by and I am thankful, it was just a tough time. That was something that was bittersweet.

Dr. Randy Carney said...


I don't want this to sound sappy or the others to think that i am warming up to one of my deacons, but tomorrow is a bitterseet day for Rhonda and me too.

As you know, or at least I hope you do, we really love the church and all of you in it. The Lord had to work very thoroughly to convince us to take this step. The leaving is bitter. I thought we coule probably continue to attend, although I have never done anything like that, out of courtesy to the next pastor. For my part, I think I could be completely supportive. Unity was/is such a part of our lives, we could not imagine going anywhere else unless I was preaching, but just in the last week or two it has come to me again that it really is a courteous thing to do for a new pastor coming in. I know we don't have one yet. I thought Rhonda might just go there a lot while I went to other churches, but now, maybe even she is given more liberty to go with me.

The leaving is bitter, but the Lord is giving grace.

The looking ahead is sweet (and exciting and SCARY--like I said, when I told people to get out on a limb for God. Then saw the limb off--I really thought that message was for someone else this time!)

I will probably share some of the vision tomorrow.

So, it is bitterseet for us too because we love the church and leaving is hard, but we love each member and attender and want to see God continue working in the church's life. The Lord has blessed in the last two and a half months even since I made the announcement about our leaving. We have continued to see people get right with the Lord, and we want to see God to continue to bless the church because obedience to almighty God is where our blessings come from.

So we will continue to trust the Lord, and try to empasize the "sweet" part of the bittersweetness!

Bro. Roger, you and Bro. Mike have been the best deacon board I have ever worked with. May the Lord bless you in the days to come!

roger said...

I experienced another bittersweet days today, Bro. Richard Owsley was laid to rest today but in body only, I know that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. But still it is bitter because we won't be able to see his smiling face or listen to one of his stories but it is all so sweet that he is now living out his faith. He taught so many about Jesus and now he is home with him as Jackie Gleason would say "how sweet it is". Pray for Bro. Richards family. God Bless you all.