Monday, April 6, 2009

Course 7 Week 2 Corey's Topics

Corey, please finish up putting in your posts as needed in the week 1 topic area up until midnight tonight. Then anytime after midnight, you may use this area for your week 2 comments.


Dr. Randy Carney said...

Corey, we need your initial week two posts here by midnight tonight. Keep at it, and you'll get used to the schedule. Two posts by midnight will get you two bonus points for this week. One question before Friday morning will earn another bonus point for the week.

I enjoyed your comments last week.

roger said...

Hey Corey, I loved your testimony about First Priority and the bibles, I am sure glad for organizations that can still be involved in the public school system. Aren't you glad for that?

roger said...

Hey I forgot to ask you about your study. What is it about? Who does it involve? Is it a book or dvd? You can tell me later if you want to. God Bless!!!!!!

Corey G. said...

I am studying Jesus and the Gospels its dvds and a book. This week I am reading chapters 2-3 and watching dvd set 2-4. The chapters are as follows:

2) Religious Background-Hellenistic and Jewish Religion

3) Socioeconomic Background-Everyday Life in New Testament Times.
And I am sorry for posting this so late, i get lazy very easily so please pray for me to become unlazy.

Corey G. said...

Chapter 2 was a very interesting chapter. Its, as the chapter title says, about the major religions popping up around the time of Paul, Peter, etc. Its also about what they believed and taught, and the cults arising around the time. My favorite section to this chapter was the Philosophy section where I learned more of Pauls debates with the Epicureans.

Corey G. said...

And Roger im really glad about it, First Priority has been a really big blessing to my life

sremery said...

Hey Corey, will do on prayer for strength. I have to ask for it all the time. Its easy to say no. my last study talked a little on the "cults" that sprung up after Jesus ascended. Most of the epistles are encouragements and warnings against these groups. Has it mentioned anything on the gnostics?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hi, Corey,

Glad you showed up. If it was just laziness, I'm glad I bugged you.

Thanks for these two academic posts and the other one about first priority. I'm glad it has been a great blessing to you.

There is a question over in Sean's topic area that we would like to hear from you about. It is just an opinion question, but it also asks about some things I think you have experience with.

Corey G. said...

I will get into detail with Chapter 3: Socioeconomic Background-Everyday Life in New Testament Times. It is seperated in many sections in this post i will cover: Transportation and Communication(because this is an important thing to understand, for the reason it explains how they got from place to place, and how they comunicated from long distances), and Cultural Values(because this places a further understanding of the people of the time). Rome had a complictaed system of roads, that werent replaced until the Seventeenth century. These roads were dotted with Inn, meaning it was easier to rest and make plans to get from place to place. They aslo used boats to carry mail, and the news was often posted on notice boards, or announced outloud by "heralds"in the market place or any place with alot of people. Next Cultural Values. Now obviously the cultural values of the ancient med. times were quite different from our own, and by looking into them we can understand the ministry of Jesus more. Back then Honor was a big thing that was either given or gotten, which is one of the major reasons the Jewish leaders asked Jesus' many questions ment to trap him.

Corey G. said...

This chapter gave me a better insight of exactly what Jesus was going through. Not only Jesus but the disiples as well. It also gave me a good idea of the length and the degree they had to go through to preach the message of Christ.

Corey G. said...

sremery, it did talk about Gnostics, and i found it interesting. But what i found most interesting about it was the fact that it 1. talked about getting to heaven through knowledge(not like we would jump to as knowledge, and it also showed that they believed, like every other religion besides Christianity believes, that u have to work to be saved.)2. It attracted women because it explained the savior of the world as a woman, even though it belittled women more than raise them up. It also got me to thinking that Satan is really good at twisting things to make death seem appealing. Quite interesting really.(p.s. it gave me a better understanding of the 'enemy's' i will have to face later on, and its always good to know your enemy's)

sremery said...

I agree, its "testing the spirits". It strengthens the faith to me because when you "bring it in the light", you see that theres something there thats not right. (speaking about gnostics or other beliefs) Sometimes I cant explain or put into words why it seems wrong, maybe because I'm not schooled in the words or concepts, but I think its the Spirit convicting or warning. This "feeling" (the only way I know to explain it) to me reassures that this is real.