Monday, April 6, 2009

Course 7 Week 2 Roger's Topics

Please use after midnight, Monday.


roger said...

I am reading Phillip Yancey's book titled " The Bible Jesus Read" and this week I am reading chapter two titled" Job: Seeing in the Dark ". I know that Sean and Tyler have already read this book so I may have questions for them.

roger said...

This chapter is a very revealing chapter about Job and his situations,his friends, and the God he serves,not to mention his character,integrity and his faith.Job's faith made a difference in his circumstances and that is what impressed me the most. I shutter at the thought that God would allow Satan to test me in the way Job was tested, I'm afraid I would fail that test miserably and maybe we're not as strong as we would like to think ourselves to be. Job was unique in his faith, "the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord", rare words from a guy who has just lost every possesion that he has. That my friends is faith.

sremery said...

I agree Roger, the more you read Job the more you see it as a wisdom book. I'm thankful that there's a book that is cut & dry as this book when you're in a trial. Its actually not easy to accept this when you're going thru one. But there's no other thing I would want to put my trust in except the God we serve, who chose to accept the cup, in the garden, the Love & Mercy that was shown, and defeated Death! Who else would you want to?

sremery said...

Something else that comes to mind, have you ever been praying and asked for patience or even to be closer to God, and then then feared what you asked for because this might come in the form of a crisis? I have, I've probobly posted this before but after I came out of my surgery and everybody was happy because it went went well and things were looking good after about a month of uncertainty. But I still had this nagging feeling of sadness because I realized that now that I was going to live on, and in living, you will see more troubles.
I got past these feelings but it was interesting because I hadnt really thought of life that way before. The only answer that I could conclude to was that you live now, the sad part is that I still catch myself worrying about things I cant control, but it only goes so far before I'm reminded. Everything comes back around to what the Bible says to do. But we seem to have to experience it before we learn it. Thats the difference to me between wisdom & knowledge.

Tyler Owens said...

Right on, Sean! I agree with what you said in that post. To me that is why we must, must, must have Jesus in our lives. The troubles WILL come in life. The only thing that will help in those times is Him.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hey, Roger,

I am glad you are reading this on Job. I only got a little over half-way through the book when I started preaching through it. As you know, I divided the Bible into six sections: three from the Old Testament, and three from the New Testament. I would preach several messages from one of those sections, and then move to the other Testament, do the same there, and then go back.

Sometimes the hardest thing to do in ministry is to figure out what to preach about. This plan has really helped me, and it makes me study. It also causes me to deal with topics I might otherwise want to avoid. So, as I have often said, if I am not strongly impressed to do something else, I will preach on something from the next chapter. (In the case of the New Testament, I try to get an average of two sermons from one chapter.) I do ask the Lord to show me what He wants, but it seems to me, for me, that often what is in the next chapter is what He wants. Another thing about doing this is that you can come to something that will really hit hard on some members of your congregation. When you are just preaching through the Bible it doesn't look like you have just singled them out.

Anyway, you and I have gone through half of Job together in our time at Unity. I pray this book will be a blessing to you as you get to the end of the story!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

P.S. The reason why this post looked like a duplicate of the main post for today was that I wrote this one first, and that gave me the idea for the other one. :)