Monday, April 13, 2009

Course 7 Week 3 Tyler's Topics

Please use after 12:01 am on Tuesday.


Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is PASTORAL MINISTRY. The instructor is Mr. Terry Forrest. I will be watching three DVDs a week. The title of my book is PASTORAL MINISTRY. The author is John MacArthur. I will be reading three chapters this week.

7. Training for Pastoral Ministry

8. Ordination to Pastoral Ministry

9. The Pastor's Home

Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched was about how to be a servant. He talks about having a vision and sharing it with the church leadership. It also says to not be condescending or arrogant. The last thing that the instructor said was "don't give up easily". I have really taken this to heart.

roger said...

Hey Tyler, I noticed you were studying on being a servant, which is one of my goals I have set for me. You see the trouble I have I find it hard to serve someone that is not in the fold. I know that I am to love the sinner and hate the sin but when it goes against what I stand for and beleive in that is when it gets tough for me. Does Mr. Forrest give any instuction on how to serve all people?

Tyler Owens said...

He does talk about it a little bit. Sometimes I feel the same way that you are talking about. It is hard to serve lost people the same way we do the church. I think the difference is the only way we can serve the lost is to serve them the truth about Jesus Christ.

Tyler Owens said...

The instructor talked about not doing the work of ministry for money. If that is our goal, then we are doomed for failure. Some ministers will not go somewhere that the Lord has called them because the pay might not be what they were expecting. I believe that if the Lord calls us somewhere, He will provide a way for us to minister. This may mean that we would have to work or it may mean that we won't. Either way, God will provide.

Dr. Randy Carney said...


I hear ya' about that pay part. I have done many things that I have seen others be paid well for, but I have found it quite exciting to see the Lord provide. I am at that point of needing to see something unusual happen or of knowing where to spend my time and to make money while I am at it (not to be greedy, but to survive :)!

sremery said...

Having people encouraging you to not give up is very important. I seem to be able to dwell more on reasons to give up than to press on. To me its the nature of the world, it is always going against God. Does your study talk much on certain things that you will face?

sremery said...

I'll share a story on pastors and money. Before I was saved Kevin would come by the office and visit me and I would question him about being paid to be a pastor. I remember joking to others about how he was paid to pastor and thought he had a easy job. Its funny how God will teach you things.

Tyler Owens said...

He does talk about some thing we will face as ministers. He uses examples and experiences to tell about them. I also think that we need to have other minsters encourage us. Preachers have told me to watch out for a trap. We spend so much time encouraging others that we may fail to "be encouraged". That is why I am greatful for the preachers that God has put in my life. I get built up every time we have a preacher's meeting.