Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Course 7 Week 4 Tyler's Topics

Sorry, Tyler, I should have had this up for you yesterday. You can extend all the bonus timelines by one day.


Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is PASTORAL MINISTRY. The instructor is Terry Forrest. I will be watching three DVDs a week. The title of my book is PASTORAL MINISTRY. The author is John MacArthur. I will be reading three chapters a week.

10. The Pastor's Prayer Life-the Personal Side

11. The Pastor's Prayer Life- the Minstry Side

12. The Pastor's Study

Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched was about preaching. He reminded us that Christ sent us to preach the Gospel. The message of Christ is the power of God. He also encouraged us to be the best preacher that we can possibly be.

Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched was about the qualities of a good preacher. The instructor listed ten of them. I hope that I can be these.

1. Be prepared
2. Be relevent
3. Be biblical
4. Be passionate
5. Be interesting
6. Be persuasive
7. Be understandable
8. Be personable
9. Don't be too long-winded
10. Be humble

Tyler Owens said...

The nest DVD talks about teaching. The instructor said that, when he was a pastor, he liked to teach Sunday School. I think that would take away the teaching minstry someone had. How can we encourage people to use their gifts if we are doing what they are supposed to be doing? Any thoughts?

Tyler Owens said...

Bro. Randy, I am sorry that I can not be there tomorrow night to hear your message. I have to go preach at First Freewill of Marion. I will be praying for you as you are there. I have asked my wife to get me a copy of your message.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hi, Tyler,

Thanks for the message. Audra said she was going to get the DVD for the service. I appreciate the church having us. The topic Bro. Kevin requested described mostly the problem that society's thought patterns cause our marriages. I hope that some will check out the website for more information.

Tyler Owens said...

I was able to watch the DVD of your message last night, Bro. Randy. I really enjoyed it. I think that it is good to learn the problems that we face. It has been said that the first step to solving a problem is identifying it. Great message!

Tyler Owens said...

I preached last night at Marion First FWB. It was a good time in the Lord. I really struggled all week with the message. I really didn't get it until Saturday night. I was very nervous because I felt unprepared, but it turned out to be one of the best messages that I have ever preached. God is so good!