Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Course 7 Week 5 Sean's Topics

Please place your initial posts here.


sremery said...

My course this round is a book and dvd course. The book is titled "Suprising Insights from the Unchurched and Proven Ways to each Them" by Thom S. Rainer. The dvd course is "Church Growth", taught by Terry Forrest. I'll cover Ch 5 & 6; Why they returned and Stayed, and Doctrine Really Matters.

sremery said...

The chapters again are pretty straight forward on what they will cover. Ch 5 is Why They Retutned & Stayed, it questions the newly converts on what made them return and stay. The reasons were many, but the biggest was people caring for each other and good preaching. Which leads into the next chapter.

roger said...

Hey Sean, hope every thing is ok on your end, missed you last week, and I saw your post was on good preaching, last night at the preacher/deacons meeting we heard some good preaching, Bro. Eddy Donaldson broght a good message and inspiring one at that. Don't you think good preaching is like throwing gas on a fire?

sremery said...

THe chapter on doctrine finds that in all the polling they found that preaching that was clear on what the churches belief was important. They are in contrast to churches that "dance around" subjects that seperate. Has anyone thought about this in preparing a message? Wondering "should I say this"?

Tyler Owens said...

Every time I preach!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sometimes we make purely social comments that are not related to the academics. Those are great, and they really spice up the conversation, but they sometimes do not count toward the minimum post. Bro. Roger's comment, listed below this paragraph, however, shows how to combine a social comment with the material we are studying. These types of posts do work.

Here is that good example: "Hey Sean, hope every thing is ok on your end, missed you last week, and I saw your post was on good preaching, last night at the preacher/deacons meeting we heard some good preaching, Bro. Eddy Donaldson broght a good message and inspiring one at that. Don't you think good preaching is like throwing gas on a fire?"

See, Sean's academic post was on good preaching, and Roger's post was relevant to Sean's comment.

Corey has been doing some other writing. If he can show a creative correlation between what he is writing and what some of you are studying, he can cut and paste and get double mileage out of some of what he has already written.