Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Course Seven Week 1 Corey's Topics

Corey, Welcome,

Please post your introduction, initial comments, and answers to our questions here.


roger said...

Hey Corey, it will be great having another person in on these discussions we've been having, hope you find that these opportunities will help you grow in the Lord and in your calling. Have a blessed time growing!!

Corey G. said...

Hey, I am glad to be here. My full name is Corey Micheal Gwaltney. I am sure this is going to be fun(seeing how its a great opportunity to grow in the Lord)

Corey G. said...

the Book im reading is Jesus and the Gospels by Craig L. Blomberg, and the videos i am watching is called New Testament Survey: The Gospels, by Dr. Kevin Hester. Both are covering the history of the old testiment at the moment, but the videos begin with an explaination of the differences between the Gospels. They're both pretty good so far, and im reading the book at school hoping someone askes some questions and gives me the chance to share Christ with them.

Tyler Owens said...

Hello, Corey. It sure is good to have you in our little course. I'm sure you will find it helpful, not only in your ministry, but in your walk with the Lord as well. It has been invaluable to me in my walk. It will be fun to hear what you think about the books and courses that you go through. If I can be any help to you, just let me know. In the mean time, God Bless!!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hi Corey,

Glad you found your way around. As you may have noticed, you can comment in any of the topic areas. You also can ask questions. I really like when all of you ask ech other questions. You also get one bonus point for asking a question if you do it before Friday morning each week.

I think some of our participants have already been through your course, so they might dialog a little with you about it.

Corey G. said...

Chapter 1 of my book is called, Historical Background For Studying the Gospels. I found it a great chapter to read because it gives you a better understanding of what exactly is going on around this time, and what happened to lead up to it. It can also help give credit to the Gospels as true by lining up the Gospel with history, and seeing just how historicly accurate it is. I cant wait to finish the rest of the book.

Dr. Randy Carney said...


It's good to have you started.

What are the titles of the chapters you have read (or are reading) this week.

I also need to let you know that our class weeks run from 12:01 a.m. Tuesady mornings through 12:00 p.m. on Monday evenings. That means we have until midnight tomorrow night to get in the posts that will count for points this week. You have three posts already in. You just need six more. They don't all have to be about your books or videos. You can comment on the other sudent's comments. You can ask them questions. As long as the posts are three sentences long, they would count toward your total.

Looking forward to hearing more from you between now and tomorrow night. You are off to a good start.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Soory, I see you already gave the title to the first chapter. How many chapters does the book have?

Corey G. said...

There are a total of 19 chapters. Each one different than the last =D(just a little joke). And to start off i decided i need to start off slow, and only read a chapter the first week, than really hit it the weeks after.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sorry, that end time is 11:59 p.m. Monday. :)

Corey G. said...

What would be the quickest way to getthrough with the book and the dvd's and get alot out of them? This would be very useful to know(whether there is a quick way or not) because if i knew the quick way i would be able to get throught them faster, and if i knew there wasnt one i wouldnt waste my time looking for it. Also ty for allowing me to become a part of this its a blessing to my heart.

Corey G. said...

Do preachers become pastors? I think the answer to this question is self evident, and the answer is no. My reason behind thinking this is that, there are many preachers out there, for example Ravi Zacharias, that are not pastors. And just showing one example is enough to say that preachers don't 'always' pastor.(the always there makes the statement, if it wasn't there and it was made "do preaches sometimes become pastors" then the answer to it would become yes instead of the previous no when the always is there)

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Some may find it easier to read ahead of schedule. I think at different times, both Sean and Tyler have done this. They took notes where they could comment about the chapters laster as we went through the course. Spreading the thought out over 8 weeks time causes it to sink in a little deeper, but you can read and watch ahead of schedule. That might be good in case for some reason later on, you were sick and needed a lighter week.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Has anyone asked you about the book at school yet? If not, they probably will before the term is over. Praise the Lord for your desire to witness.