Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Course Seven Week 1 Roger's Topics


roger said...

Hello to everyone, my name is Roger Dutton I attend Unity Free Will Baptist Church, it is located in West Frankfort Il. I serve as a deacon and have attended Unity for seven years. Praise the Lord!!!!

roger said...

I will be reading Phillip Yancey's book titled "The Bible Jesus Read". It is a study of some of the Old Testament Books such as Deuteronomy, Psalms,Ecclesiastes, and some of the Prophets and also the book of Job. Chapter one is titled "Is The Old Testament Worth The Effort". Hey Corey!!!!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hi, Bro. Roger,

Welcome back!

roger said...

Hey Bro. Randy, Thanks for your greeting, I'm glad and thankful to be back. God Bless!!

roger said...

Chapter one of "The Bible Jesus Read", by Phillip Yancey talks about how laboring it is to read through the Old Testament, and some of the history that took place, some of the people involved, and the places where the Old Testament takes place, the title again of chapter one is " Is the Old Testament Worth the Effort?",after reading this chapter the importance of the Old Testament is undeniable, this really was the bible Jesus read! Mr. Yancey talks about the knowledge of the old book is fading fast, the church has even been lax in teaching the fundamentals of the Old Testament, Mr. Yancey quickly identifies with the importance of the writings because they were "God breathed" inspirations as well as the New Testament, not to mention "foundational". When the storms of life come they will test our foundations,so is it worth the effort? Praise the Lord

Tyler Owens said...

Hey, Roger. The book that you are reading is very good. I read it for one of my courses. I found myself wondering some of the same things that the author had. If you are like me, you will finish this book with a greater love for the Old Testament than you ever have.

sremery said...

Good Morning Roger! I agree with Tyler, the book you have is a good one. Yancey has a way of making reading easy. It has some good insights on the OT. Maybe its just the way I was brought up in church, but I have always liked the OT. I have talked to people that say they dont read the OT. I find myself suprised when they say that, I dont want to sound judgmental, but man are they missing some good stuff!

Corey G. said...

I am happy to be here Roger, and happy that God has shown me abit more of how he can use me. And being the youngest person(I am aware of) doing this its kind of attimidating. Best of luck to you, and God bless.

roger said...

Will a preacher pastor? Scriptually the answer is "no". According to Ephesians 4:11 " And he gave some apostles,and some prophets,and some evangelist,and some pastors and teachers; all for the perfecting of the saints". I have struggled with discovering my spiritual gift or gifts, and this issue must be a struggle for all who are called to the ministry.

roger said...

Mr. Yancey, talks about the company God keeps, I'm glad he is patient with us and does not write us off after we have messed up and sometimes messed up big,praise God for his "all knowing nature", and for being able to see what we can be in him. Thank you Lord!!!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Bro. Roger, I gave my take on that over in Tyler's area where you first asked the question.

When you said, "no," I took it to mean that a preacher will not necessarily pastor.

In the Sripture you quoted, "And he gave some apostles,and some prophets,and some evangelist,and some pastors and teachers; all for the perfecting of the saints," it's interesting that preacher could have done any one of those. However, I agree that a preacher will not necessarily always eventually become a pastor.