Monday, March 2, 2009

Course 6 Week 5 Sean's Topics

Sean, place your initial posts and answers to questions here.


sremery said...

The title of my course this time is called New Testament Survey: General Epistles & Revelation. Its a dvd course, the instructor is Matthew McAffee. It has 23 sessions, so I'll cover 3 this week.

sremery said...

This weeks classes are discussing 1 & Peter. It talks of them Encouraging faith in persecution. Also to exhort christians to personally grow in faith. And to promote strength in the church.

roger said...

Hey Sean, great to hear from you seems like it has been weeks since we talked last, but you are so right about being more than conquerors. I looked up conqueror in the dictionary and it is defined as someone who wins a contest or battle, in O.T. times that would get you a gift from the king, a ring, a horse, or maybe the king's daughter to wed, but according to God's Word we become royalty, we inherit the kingdom, we become part of the family and all it's glory. AMEN!!! to that. Bless you

sremery said...

During the class yesterday they discuss 1 Peter 1:13. It says to prepare your mind for action. I am thankful for verses like this. They do encourage, and I love how the Word continues to speak us. Dont you love how a verse with get your attention when you dont expect it.

roger said...

Sean that just happened to me our teenage sunday school teacher could'nt make a couple of sundays ago so I filled in and the teens thought they could stump me wiyh the question "is lying bad" well immediately I said yes it is bad, then they reminded me that Rahab had lied about the spies and actually saving Israel, then this verse came to mind "John 8:44" and let me tell you it brought up some heavy discussion. So I ask is lying bad?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, what are some things that encourage faith during persecution? Do those relate to being more than conquerors?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Those suggestions about being a word detective don't all have to be words that you previously were unfamiliar with. They are also the words that are essential to the author communicatin his ideas. Here are some I see from your discussions:


If you haven't already picked out some, you could choose a couple of these. You may think that you already have a good idea of what they mean.

Just pick a word. Give a definition of what you think it means without looking it up. See if your idea changes any when you read or listen. Then, at the end, look it up in a dictionary, and give that definition.

Some of them will have three parts for the report: 1. the word 2. your initial guess or impression of what they word means 3. A dictionary definition of the word.

Other words may have three parts for the report. 1. the word 2. your initial guess or impression of what the word means 3. your final guess or impression of what the word means if it changed as you read or listened to the lecture 4. a dictionary definition of the word.

I think you need two more to finishe the assignment. I hope this helps.

Tyler Owens said...

I think that lying is wrong. I look at Colossians 3:9. It says lie not to one another. It is easy to lie about things to other people because Satan can trick us into lying to think we are accepted by other people. I know I have had trouble with it before.

sremery said...

Assignment for this week:

1st Peter is a letter for encouragment and hope for christians who are going thru persecutions or will face them, and instruction for them to strengthen the church.

My def: victor
Dictionary: Someone who conquers; a vanquisher.

My def: to suffer for a cause
Dictionary: A program or campaign to subjugate or eliminate a specific group of people, often based on race, religion, sexuality, or social beliefs.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, good job on this week's assignment and finishing last week's