Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Course 6 Week 8 Sean's Topics

Sorry I did not already have these up.


sremery said...

The title of my course is The New Testament Survey; General Epistles & Revelation. Its a dvd course that uses the Bible as its text. The instructor is Matthew McAfee. I am finished with this course.

sremery said...

The last few classes were an expostion on the whole book. He went thru them fairly quickly and didnt have a whole lot of comments on it. I would assume you could get off track or spend endless time on Revelation.

sremery said...

My course covered the General Epistles and the Revelation. It was to me an expostion of them. The instructor was good, and commented and sometimes preached a little on the scripture. The parts were broken up into each book or epistle. I felt like it was also split in 2 between the epistles and Revelations because about 4-5 classes was devoted to Revelation.
One things that I actually have already applied to a sermon I preached last night was that I hadnt ever looked at Revelation as an Epistle. I was excited about it.

sremery said...

Some important words used were:
1. Pre-milleninealism-A concept in Christian eschatology that the second coming will happen before the millennium.
2. A-milleninealism- A view in Christian eschatology that rejects the claimed future thousand-year physical reign of Jesus Christ on the earth, in opposition to premillennial and some postmillennial views of the Book of Revelation, chapter 20, claiming instead that the number of years in Revelation 20 is a symbolic number and that Christ's eventual physical reign will be permanent.
3. post-milleninealism- An interpretation of the Book of Revelation where Christ's second coming will be after the "Millennium", a Golden Age or era of prosperity and dominance of the Christianity

Tyler Owens said...

Sean, you did a good job preaching on Wednesday. I was glad to be a part of it. It is good to see that we can use these courses to help with messages.

roger said...

Hey Sean, with so many different views of things to take place it is hard to know which way to turn. I can hear a pre-millenialist state his case, and then listen to a post-millenialist state his case and I can find myself believing both ways. I'm sure that is what the Lord meant when he said "study to show thyself approved". The question is what to study? We all don't have the time or resources to study,study, study. I guess what I want to know is there a majority one way or another?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Bro. Roger, a majority of the Bible-believing peachers in the circles I have traveled are pre-millenial (and, yes, even pre-trib pre-millenial), but not all. As you know, even in our own congregation, we have a variety of thought on this issue, ranging from a-millenial to pre-millenial, and, within the pre-millenial viewpoint, pre-trib and post-trib pre-millenial. These ideas are all from mature Christians, whom I highly respect.

You have seen, possibly, in my spiral idea, how that I incorporate what could be the best from these different viewpoints, while still allowing for the possibility of the future (pre-millenial) viewpoints. It still does not resolve the pre-trib, mid-trib, and post-trib issues, but I do like the approach.

Also, in all of this study, I have not found anything that definitely (in my mind) refutes a futuristic interpretation. I lean toward the pre-trib view myself, but I try to remain open to hearing what others have to say.

Free Will Baptists have a lot of pre-millenial thought east of the Mississippi River, and a lot of a-millenial though west of the river. Interesting.