Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Course 6 Week 7 Roger's Topics


roger said...

My study is Robert Shank's book "Life in the Son" a study of the Doctrine of Perseverance. I will be studying chapter 17; Kept by the" Power of God", and chapter 18;" That You May Know that You Have Eternal Life"

roger said...

Chapter 17, Kept by the Power of God, talks mainly about trusting mainly in God and grace for an eternal life.Holding fast to the promises of God, being content with things God gives us,because he has said he would never leave us or forsake us. It ends with a wonderful quote by C.H. Spurgeon,"Holding, I am held". That is an awesome thought. This requires action from us. Amen!!!

roger said...

I would like to comment on chapter 18 as well. It is titled,"That You May Know That You Have Eternal Life". This chapter talks alot about Calvinism, his theology is that if you "finsh the race" you are one of the elect should you not finish it was God's design and you must perish. I heard a teaching on the parable of the sower and that it taught that only 25% of people would be saved. What do you guys think?

sremery said...

Without studying it deeper, my 1st thought of the question is no. But one way a Calvinist could justify that to me would be that if God already knows the end result of this world, it could be right. But to me that would be too much speculation and draws away from having a relationship with God.

sremery said...

I like the title of that chapter 18. I like it because you can read it as a statement or a question. Does your author disagree with Calvinism?

roger said...

Yes Sean, Bro. Shank does disagree with Calvinism. Bro. Shank's conclusion on this matter is this, "the elect will persevere,and they who persevere are elect.

roger said...

I feel that Bro. Shank disagrees with the Calvinist teaching on unconditional security, Calvin, if I understand his teaching correctly, taught that God chose the elect and placed the inner witness of the Spirit within them,empowering them to persevere, but he also taught that the reprobate could receive the inner witness but God would have no intention for them to persevere, so if I have understood this teaching I feel Bro. Shank disagreed with the Calvinist and his teaching to be "illogical"

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Ah, I see that last post was your assignment. Good job!